industrial and office building in cislago |
address via maestri del lavoro - Cislago (VA)
2001 - 2006
contractors Soceca Costruzioni srl - Cislago (VA)
GE impianti
elettrici - Luino (VA)
Staurenghi impianti meccanici - Cislago (VA)

fotografie di matteo motta
building is located in an industrial area with woods at its back. The
main body, which is devoted to production activities, is made of
armoured concrete and bottom box prefab boards. It ends with a
transparent continuous façade overlooking a small private square.
Transparency is complete: it uncovers the building system of the edifice
and the support and connection technological elements of the façade. The
three floors around which the office building is organised are hinted
from the outside by a metal colour body which fits into the long main
building and leans out where the pedestrian entrance begins.

ground floor plan of the offices

standard floor plan of the offices

section of the premises courtyard

fronts of office building