Bondeno (FE) - Galliera (BO) - San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)
luglio 2012 - ottobre 2012
CMC Prefabbricati srl - Adria (RO)
the buidings that won the tender called by
regione emilia romangna after the 2012 earthquake tackle issue of
emergency prefabrication. the buildings were designed by PRR Architetti
and realized by C.M.C.2.0. these prefabs belong to the
design|architettonico line and are made to house temporary schools.
reconstruction entails sensitive issues such as emergency, low budget
and tight schedule; the key to succes is to understand to the best
company's production thus enabling it to realize a manageable project.
the result we obtained was what we expected: after only 124 dats from
the publication of the tender, the first school was ready and students
could begin school regurarly.

1.primary school of Bondeno (FE) 2.secondary
school of San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) 3. secondary school of Galliera (BO)