housing contest
project for residential buildings with high performance
and low cost
2010 - 2011
housing contest
is a european tender for high performance
and low cost housing prpjects, sponsored by Assessorato allo sviluppo
del Territorio del Comune di Milano, Assimpredil Ance, Ordine degli
Architetti della Provincia di Milano, IN/ARCH ASezione Lombardia e
FederlegnoArredo. the goal is to promote quality architecture and
research and innovation in the housing industry through concrete, top of
the notch, low cost buildins. the result will be a benchmark avaiable to
local governments, and all economic agents who will want to build this
type of dwellings.
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prefabs, building site
rationalization and the awareness that materials are innovative
elements without which cost control with respect to performance
would not be possible. speeding up time on the building site,
reducing those diseconomies that are typical of an incorrect
purchase organization, reducing operating time will make the
building sustainible already during the realization.
only the stairwells with the lifts
and the foundations are physically built with traditional
scaffoldings which are easily dismantled.
the load-bearing structure is
pre-fabricated and has mild reinforcement: prefabricated pillars
and beams are assembled on site, the additional castings for the
attic block the structure.
the assemblage is very quick;
it reduces the error margin and allows the constructionof
relatively big windows, thus contributing to the flexibility of
the interior layout. once the assemblage of the supporting
structure is finished, the prefabricated facades are assembled.
they exploit a sophisticated panel composition technology: the
same element contains bearing, insulation, airing and finishing
the loggias are made with bearing wood panels
X-Lam type.
1. platea e corpo scala in
getto 2. struttura reticolare prefabbricata 3. solai prefabbricati e
getti di compensazione 4. pannello di facciata prefabbricati 5.
serramenti monoblocco 6. logge in pannelli di legno lamellare
tipoplogie di aggregazione
1. unità di aggregazione
plurifamiliare 2. unità di abitazione a condovilla 3. unità di
abitazione in linea
4. unità di abitazione a
corte 5. unità di abitazione a scala 6. unità di abitazione a torre