milan has an important building heritage
from the end of the 19th century. this heritage is characterized by the
presence of bourgeois residential buildings of great sobriety, which
bear decorations of a certain importance. today it is a stroke of luck
to find an apartment with intact original finishing. the starting point
of the renovation project is a great respect for the originale
decorative elements which has led to a careful recovery of the floors
and fixtures. the central decorations of the floor have been entirely
recovered, while the patterns on the sides, destroyed to make space for
the underlying pipes, have been restored with dark coloured marble
chippings, which anhance the chromatic richness of the central area. the
colours of the walls, which are all visible at the same time, thanks to
a prespetcive effect, are a tribute to the chromatic sensitivity that
prevailed in lombardy in the second half of the 19th century.
